CompuMove’s Military and GSA Moves & Storage Software fully supports all aspects of Military, GSA, Non-Temp Storage, DPM contracts, Storage-In-Transit, and other government-related moving.
CompuMove will import and extract fully detailed shipment data from standard Easy-DPS PDF Shipment Award documents, as well as order documents from many popular carriers, including TMM, Suddath, and others. Military Storage-In-Transit (SIT) is also fully supported, including full SIT charge calculation, support for warehouses in multiple geographic service areas, and SIT invoicing and supporting document generation.
Support is also provided for one-off pricing structures for Military DPM contracts, Hold Baggage contracts, State Department relocations, and many other government-related pricing structures, including hybrid tariff-and-compensation-schedule rating structures.
Military Move Rating
CompuMove fully supports rating under the 400NG domestic military tariff, for Code 1 Interstate and SIT, Non-Temp Storage, DPM, and special contract. The tariff calculations include zipcode-based rate tables, date-sensitive fuel surcharge, weight-based packing, and all applicable extra service charges. CompuMove also supports international military shipments under DPS and TOPS, including hybrid tariff- and international OTO rating calculations and billing.